Source code for tqec.sketchup.collada

"""Handling interoperation with Collada DAE files."""

from __future__ import annotations

import html
import base64
import pathlib
import typing as ty
from dataclasses import dataclass

import collada
import collada.source
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from tqec.exceptions import TQECException
from tqec.sketchup.geometry import (
from tqec.position import Position3D
from tqec.sketchup.block_graph import (

_RGBA = tuple[float, float, float, float]
LIGHT_RGBA: _RGBA = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
DARK_RGBA: _RGBA = (0.1176470588235294, 0.1176470588235294, 0.1176470588235294, 1.0)
YELLOW_RGBA: _RGBA = (1.0, 1.0, 0.396078431372549, 1.0)

ASSET_UNIT_METER = 0.02539999969303608

MATERIAL_SYMBOL = "MaterialSymbol"

_FloatPosition = tuple[float, float, float]

[docs] def read_block_graph_from_dae_file( filepath: str | pathlib.Path, graph_name: str = "", ) -> BlockGraph: """Read and construct the block graph from a Collada DAE file. Args: filepath: The input dae file path. Returns: The constructed block graph. """ mesh = collada.Collada(str(filepath)) # Check some invariants about the DAE file if mesh.scene is None: raise TQECException("No scene found in the DAE file.") scene: collada.scene.Scene = mesh.scene if not (len(scene.nodes) == 1 and scene.nodes[0].name == "SketchUp"): raise TQECException( "The <visual_scene> node must have a single child node with the name 'SketchUp'." ) sketchup_node: collada.scene.Node = scene.nodes[0] uniform_pipe_scale: float | None = None parsed_cubes: list[tuple[_FloatPosition, CubeType]] = [] parsed_pipes: list[tuple[_FloatPosition, PipeType]] = [] for node in sketchup_node.children: if ( isinstance(node, collada.scene.Node) and node.matrix is not None and node.children is not None and len(node.children) == 1 and isinstance(node.children[0], collada.scene.NodeNode) ): instance_block = ty.cast(collada.scene.NodeNode, node.children[0]) # Get block type library_block: collada.scene.Node = instance_block.node block_type = parse_block_type_from_str( # Get instance transformation transformation = Transformation.from_4d_affine_matrix(node.matrix) translation: _FloatPosition = tuple(transformation.translation) # NOTE: Currently rotation is not allowed if not np.allclose(transformation.rotation, np.eye(3), atol=1e-9): raise TQECException( f"There is a non-identity rotation for {block_type.value} block at position {translation}." ) if isinstance(block_type, PipeType): scale_index = block_type.direction.axis_index scale = transformation.scale[block_type.direction.axis_index] if uniform_pipe_scale is None: uniform_pipe_scale = scale * 2.0 elif not np.isclose(uniform_pipe_scale, scale * 2.0, atol=1e-9): raise TQECException("All the pipes must have the same scaling.") expected_scale = np.ones(3) expected_scale[scale_index] = scale if not np.allclose(transformation.scale, expected_scale, atol=1e-9): raise TQECException( "Only the dimension along the connector can be scaled." ) parsed_pipes.append((translation, block_type)) else: if not np.allclose(transformation.scale, np.ones(3), atol=1e-9): raise TQECException("Scaling of cubes is not allowed.") parsed_cubes.append((translation, block_type)) assert uniform_pipe_scale is not None, ( "Expected to be able to initialize a pipe scale, but did not succeed. " "Is the provided .dae file representing a valid block graph?" ) def int_position_before_scale(pos: _FloatPosition) -> Position3D: int_pos_before_scale = [] for p in pos: p_before_scale = p / (1 + uniform_pipe_scale) if not np.isclose(p_before_scale, round(p_before_scale), atol=1e-9): raise TQECException("The position must be integers before scaling.") int_pos_before_scale.append(int(round(p_before_scale))) return Position3D(*int_pos_before_scale) # Construct the block graph graph = BlockGraph(graph_name) for pos, cube_type in parsed_cubes: graph.add_cube(int_position_before_scale(pos), cube_type) for pos, pipe_type in parsed_pipes: pipe_direction_idx = pipe_type.direction.axis_index scaled_src_pos_list = list(pos) scaled_src_pos_list[pipe_direction_idx] -= 1 src_pos = int_position_before_scale( ty.cast(_FloatPosition, tuple(scaled_src_pos_list)) ) dst_pos_list = list(src_pos.as_tuple()) dst_pos_list[pipe_direction_idx] += 1 dst_pos = Position3D(*dst_pos_list) if src_pos not in graph: graph.add_cube(src_pos, CubeType.VIRTUAL) if dst_pos not in graph: graph.add_cube(dst_pos, CubeType.VIRTUAL) graph.add_pipe(src_pos, dst_pos, pipe_type) return graph
[docs] def write_block_graph_to_dae_file( block_graph: BlockGraph, file_like: str | pathlib.Path | ty.BinaryIO, pipe_length: float = 2.0, ) -> None: """Write the block graph to a Collada DAE file. Args: block_graph: The block graph to write. file: The output file path or file-like object that supports binary write. pipe_length: The length of the pipe blocks. Default is 2.0. """ base = _load_base_collada_data() instance_id = 0 def scale_position(pos: tuple[int, int, int]) -> _FloatPosition: return ty.cast(_FloatPosition, tuple(p * (1 + pipe_length) for p in pos)) for cube in block_graph.cubes: if cube.is_virtual: continue scaled_position = scale_position(cube.position.as_tuple()) matrix = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float_) matrix[:3, 3] = scaled_position base.add_instance_node(instance_id, matrix, cube.cube_type) instance_id += 1 for pipe in block_graph.pipes: src_pos = scale_position(pipe.u.position.as_tuple()) pipe_pos = list(src_pos) pipe_pos[pipe.direction.axis_index] += 1.0 matrix = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float_) matrix[:3, 3] = pipe_pos scales = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] # We divide the scaling by 2.0 because the pipe's default length is 2.0. scales[pipe.direction.axis_index] = pipe_length / 2.0 matrix[:3, :3] = np.diag(scales) base.add_instance_node(instance_id, matrix, pipe.pipe_type) instance_id += 1 base.mesh.write(file_like)
class _BaseColladaData: def __init__( self, mesh: collada.Collada, root_node: collada.scene.Node, library_node_handles: dict[BlockType, collada.scene.Node], ) -> None: """The base model template including the definition of all the library nodes and the necessary material, geometry definitions.""" self.mesh = mesh self.root_node = root_node self.library_node_handles = library_node_handles def add_instance_node( self, instance_id: int, transform_matrix: npt.NDArray[np.float_], block_type: BlockType, ) -> None: """Add an instance node to the root node.""" child_node = collada.scene.Node( f"ID{instance_id}", name=f"instance_{instance_id}", transforms=[collada.scene.MatrixTransform(transform_matrix.flatten())], ) point_to_node = self.library_node_handles[block_type] instance_node = collada.scene.NodeNode(point_to_node) child_node.children.append(instance_node) self.root_node.children.append(child_node) def _create_lambert_effect( id_str: str, rgba: tuple[float, float, float, float] ) -> collada.material.Effect: effect = collada.material.Effect( id_str, [], "lambert", diffuse=rgba, emission=None, specular=None, transparent=None, ambient=None, reflective=None, double_sided=True, ) effect.transparency = None return effect def _add_asset_info(mesh: collada.Collada) -> None: if mesh.assetInfo is None: return mesh.assetInfo.contributors.append( collada.asset.Contributor( author=ASSET_AUTHOR, authoring_tool=ASSET_AUTHORING_TOOL_TQEC ), ) mesh.assetInfo.unitmeter = ASSET_UNIT_METER mesh.assetInfo.unitname = ASSET_UNIT_NAME mesh.assetInfo.upaxis = collada.asset.UP_AXIS.Z_UP def _add_face_geometry_node( mesh: collada.Collada, face: Face, materials: dict[FaceType, collada.material.Material], geom_node_dict: dict[Face, collada.scene.GeometryNode], ) -> None: """Note: currently we completely ignore the normals.""" if face in geom_node_dict: return # Create geometry id_str = f"FaceID{len(geom_node_dict)}" positions = collada.source.FloatSource( id_str + "_positions", face.get_vertices(), ("X", "Y", "Z") ) normals = collada.source.FloatSource( id_str + "_normals", face.get_normal_vectors(), ("X", "Y", "Z") ) geom = collada.geometry.Geometry(mesh, id_str, id_str, [positions, normals]) input_list = collada.source.InputList() input_list.addInput(0, "VERTEX", "#" + input_list.addInput(1, "NORMAL", "#" + triset = geom.createTriangleSet( Face.get_triangle_indices(), input_list, MATERIAL_SYMBOL ) geom.primitives.append(triset) mesh.geometries.append(geom) # Create geometry node inputs = [("UVSET0", "TEXCOORD", "0")] material = materials[face.face_type] geom_node = collada.scene.GeometryNode( geom, [collada.scene.MaterialNode(MATERIAL_SYMBOL, material, inputs)] ) geom_node_dict[face] = geom_node def _load_base_collada_data() -> _BaseColladaData: face_colors = { FaceType.X: DARK_RGBA, FaceType.Z: LIGHT_RGBA, FaceType.H: YELLOW_RGBA, } mesh = collada.Collada() # Add asset info _add_asset_info(mesh) # Add effects(light <--> Z, dark <--> X, yellow <--> H) light_effect = _create_lambert_effect("light_effect", face_colors[FaceType.Z]) dark_effect = _create_lambert_effect("dark_effect", face_colors[FaceType.X]) yellow_effect = _create_lambert_effect("yellow_effect", face_colors[FaceType.H]) mesh.effects.extend([light_effect, dark_effect, yellow_effect]) # Add materials light_material = collada.material.Material( "light_material", "light_material", light_effect ) dark_material = collada.material.Material( "dark_material", "dark_material", dark_effect ) yellow_material = collada.material.Material( "yellow_material", "yellow_material", yellow_effect ) materials = { FaceType.X: dark_material, FaceType.Z: light_material, FaceType.H: yellow_material, } mesh.materials.extend([light_material, dark_material, yellow_material]) # Add geometries geom_node_dict: dict[Face, collada.scene.GeometryNode] = {} library_geometry = load_library_block_geometries() for block_type, faces in library_geometry.items(): for face in faces: _add_face_geometry_node(mesh, face, materials, geom_node_dict) # Add library nodes node_handles: dict[BlockType, collada.scene.Node] = {} for block_type, faces in library_geometry.items(): children = [geom_node_dict[face] for face in faces] name = block_type.value node = collada.scene.Node(name, children, name=name) mesh.nodes.append(node) node_handles[block_type] = node # Create scene root_node = collada.scene.Node("SketchUp", name="SketchUp") scene = collada.scene.Scene("scene", [root_node]) mesh.scenes.append(scene) mesh.scene = scene return _BaseColladaData(mesh, root_node, node_handles)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Transformation: """Transformation data class to store the translation, scale, rotation, and the composed affine matrix. For the reference of the transformation matrix, see Attributes: translation: The length-3 translation vector. scale: The length-3 scaling vector, which is the scaling factor along each axis. rotation: The 3x3 rotation matrix. affine_matrix: The 4x4 affine matrix composed of the translation, scaling, and rotation. """ translation: npt.NDArray[np.float_] scale: npt.NDArray[np.float_] rotation: npt.NDArray[np.float_] affine_matrix: npt.NDArray[np.float_] @staticmethod def from_4d_affine_matrix(mat: npt.NDArray[np.float_]) -> Transformation: translation = mat[:3, 3] scale = np.linalg.norm(mat[:3, :3], axis=1) rotation = mat[:3, :3] / scale[:, None] return Transformation(translation, scale, rotation, mat)
[docs] class ColladaDisplayHelper: """Helper class to display a Collada DAE file in IPython compatible environments.""" HTML_TEMPLATE = r""" <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <script type="importmap"> { "imports": { "three": "", "three-orbitcontrols": "", "three-collada-loader": "" } } </script> </head> <body> <a download="model.dae" id="tqec-3d-viewer-download-link" href="data:text/plain;base64,{{MODEL_BASE64_PLACEHOLDER}}">Download 3D Model as .dae File</a> <br>Mouse Wheel = Zoom. Left Drag = Orbit. Right Drag = Strafe. <div id="tqec-3d-viewer-scene-container" style="width: calc(100vw - 32px); height: calc(100vh - 64px);">JavaScript Blocked?</div> <script type="module"> let container = document.getElementById("tqec-3d-viewer-scene-container"); let downloadLink = document.getElementById("tqec-3d-viewer-download-link"); container.textContent = "Loading viewer..."; /// BEGIN TERRIBLE HACK. /// Change the ID to avoid cross-cell interactions. /// This is a workaround for = undefined; = undefined; import { Box3, Scene, Color, PerspectiveCamera, WebGLRenderer, AmbientLight, DirectionalLight, Vector3, DoubleSide, AxesHelper } from "three"; import { OrbitControls } from "three-orbitcontrols"; import { ColladaLoader } from "three-collada-loader"; try { container.textContent = "Loading model..."; let modelDataUri = downloadLink.href; let collada = await new ColladaLoader().loadAsync(modelDataUri); container.textContent = "Loading scene..."; // Create the scene, adding lighting for the loaded objects. let scene = new Scene(); scene.background = new Color("#CBDFC6"); // Ambient light const ambientLight = new AmbientLight(0xffffff, 3); scene.add(ambientLight); // Traverse the model to set materials to double-sided collada.scene.traverse(function (node) { if (node.isMesh) { node.material.side = DoubleSide; } }); scene.add(collada.scene); // Point the camera at the center, far enough back to see everything. let camera = new PerspectiveCamera(35, container.clientWidth / container.clientHeight, 0.1, 100000); let controls = new OrbitControls(camera, container); let bounds = new Box3().setFromObject(scene); let mid = new Vector3( (bounds.min.x + bounds.max.x) * 0.5, (bounds.min.y + bounds.max.y) * 0.5, (bounds.min.z + bounds.max.z) * 0.5, ); let boxPoints = []; for (let dx of [0, 0.5, 1]) { for (let dy of [0, 0.5, 1]) { for (let dz of [0, 0.5, 1]) { boxPoints.push(new Vector3( bounds.min.x + (bounds.max.x - bounds.min.x) * dx, bounds.min.y + (bounds.max.y - bounds.min.y) * dy, bounds.min.z + (bounds.max.z - bounds.min.z) * dz, )); } } } let isInView = p => { p = new Vector3(p.x, p.y, p.z); p.project(camera); return Math.abs(p.x) < 1 && Math.abs(p.y) < 1 && p.z >= 0 && p.z < 1; }; let unit = new Vector3(0.3, 0.4, -1.8); unit.normalize(); let setCameraDistance = d => {; camera.position.copy(mid); camera.position.addScaledVector(unit, d); controls.update(); return boxPoints.every(isInView); }; let maxDistance = 1; for (let k = 0; k < 20; k++) { if (setCameraDistance(maxDistance)) { break; } maxDistance *= 2; } let minDistance = maxDistance; for (let k = 0; k < 20; k++) { minDistance /= 2; if (!setCameraDistance(minDistance)) { break; } } for (let k = 0; k < 20; k++) { let mid = (minDistance + maxDistance) / 2; if (setCameraDistance(mid)) { maxDistance = mid; } else { minDistance = mid; } } setCameraDistance(maxDistance); // Add axes helper to the scene let axesHelper = new AxesHelper(2); axesHelper.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2; // Rotate the axes to align with the model's Z-up orientation scene.add(axesHelper); // Set up rendering. let renderer = new WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true }); container.textContent = ""; renderer.setSize(container.clientWidth, container.clientHeight); renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio); renderer.physicallyCorrectLights = true; container.appendChild(renderer.domElement); // Render whenever any important changes have occurred. requestAnimationFrame(() => renderer.render(scene, camera)); new ResizeObserver(() => { let w = container.clientWidth; let h = container.clientHeight; camera.aspect = w / h; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); renderer.setSize(w, h); renderer.render(scene, camera); }).observe(container); controls.addEventListener("change", () => { renderer.render(scene, camera); }) } catch (ex) { container.textContent = "Failed to show model. " + ex; console.error(ex); } </script> </body>"""
[docs] def __init__(self, filepath_or_bytes: str | pathlib.Path | bytes) -> None: if isinstance(filepath_or_bytes, bytes): collada_bytes = filepath_or_bytes else: with open(filepath_or_bytes, "rb") as file: collada_bytes = collada_base64 = base64.b64encode(collada_bytes).decode("utf-8") self.html_str = self.HTML_TEMPLATE.replace( r"{{MODEL_BASE64_PLACEHOLDER}}", collada_base64 )
def _repr_html_(self) -> str: framed = f"""<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 300px; overflow: hidden; resize: both; border: 1px dashed gray;" frameBorder="0" srcdoc="{html.escape(self.html_str, quote=True)}"></iframe>""" return framed def __str__(self) -> str: return self.html_str
[docs] def display_collada_model( filepath_or_bytes: str | pathlib.Path | bytes, write_html_filepath: str | pathlib.Path | None = None, ) -> ColladaDisplayHelper: """Display a 3D model from a Collada DAE file in IPython compatible environments. This function references the the code snippet from the `stim.Circuit().diagram()` method. Args: filepath_or_bytes: The input dae file path or bytes of the dae file. write_html_filepath: The output html file path to write the generated html content. Returns: A helper class to display the 3D model, which implements the `_repr_html_` method and can be directly displayed in IPython compatible environments. """ if not isinstance(filepath_or_bytes, (str, pathlib.Path, bytes)): raise TQECException("The input must be a file path or bytes.") helper = ColladaDisplayHelper(filepath_or_bytes) if write_html_filepath is not None: with open(write_html_filepath, "w") as file: file.write(str(helper)) return helper