Quick start using tqec

1. Define your computation

The first step should be to define the error-corrected computation you want to implement. For the sake of simplicity, we will take an error-corrected CNOT implementation that has been defined using SketchUp and available at media/quick_start/clean_exportable_cnot.dae.

You can also interactively visualise the CNOT implementation below.

2. Import your computation

In order to use the computation with the tqec library you need to import it using tqec.BlockGraph:

from tqec import BlockGraph

block_graph = BlockGraph.from_dae_file("clean_exportable_cnot.dae")

3. Choose the observable(s) of interest

The tqec library can automatically search for valid observables in the imported computation. To get a list of all the valid observables, you can use the following code

observables = block_graph.get_abstract_observables()

Any observable can be plotted using the tqec dae2observables command line. For our specific example, the command line

tqec dae2observables --out-dir observables/ clean_exportable_cnot.dae

should populate the observables directory with 3 .png images representing the 3 valid observables found.

4. Compile and export the computation

In order to get a stim.Circuit instance, the computation first need to be compiled.

from tqec import compile_block_graph

# You can pick any number of observables from the output of
# block_graph.get_abstract_observables() and provide them here.
# In this example, picking only the second observable for demonstration
# purposes.
compiled_computation = compile_block_graph(block_graph, [observables[1]])

From this compiled computation, the final stim.Circuit instance can be generated.

from tqec.noise_models import (
    AfterCliffordDepolarizingNoise, DepolarizingNoiseOnIdlingQubit,

circuit = compiled_computation.generate_stim_circuit(

5. Annotate the circuit with detectors

For the moment, detectors should be added once the full quantum circuit has been generated.

from tqec import annotate_detectors_automatically

circuit_with_detectors = annotate_detectors_automatically(circuit)

And that’s all! You now have a quantum circuit representing the topological error-corrected implementation of a CNOT gate shown at the beginning of this page.

You can download the circuit in a stim format here: media/quick_start/clean_exportable_cnot.stim.