Source code for tqec.sketchup.block_graph

"""Graph representation of a 3D spacetime defect diagram by explicit blocks."""

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy
import pathlib
import typing as ty
from dataclasses import astuple, dataclass
from enum import Enum
from io import BytesIO

import networkx as nx

from tqec.exceptions import TQECException
from tqec.position import Direction3D, Position3D
from tqec.sketchup.zx_graph import (

    from tqec.sketchup.collada import ColladaDisplayHelper

[docs] class Color(Enum): X = "x" Z = "z" NULL = "o" @property def is_null(self) -> bool: """Check if the color is null.""" return self == Color.NULL
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Color3D: """Get face colors along the x, y, and z axes.""" x: Color y: Color z: Color @staticmethod def null() -> Color3D: """Get the null color.""" return Color3D(Color.NULL, Color.NULL, Color.NULL) @property def is_null(self) -> bool: """Check if the color is null.""" return self == Color3D.null() def match(self, other: Color3D) -> bool: """Check whether the color matches the other color.""" return all( c1.is_null or c2.is_null or c1 == c2 for c1, c2 in zip(astuple(self), astuple(other)) ) def pop_color_at_direction(self, direction: Direction3D) -> Color3D: """Replace the color at the given direction with None.""" return self.push_color_at_direction(direction, Color.NULL) def push_color_at_direction(self, direction: Direction3D, color: Color) -> Color3D: """Set the color at the given direction.""" colors = list(astuple(self)) colors[direction.axis_index] = color return Color3D(*colors) @staticmethod def from_string(s: str, flip_xz: bool = False) -> Color3D: s = s.lower() if s == "virtual": return Color3D.null() if len(s) != 3 or any(c not in "xzo" for c in s): raise TQECException( "s must be a 3-character string containing only 'x', 'z', and 'o'." ) colors: list[Color] = [] for c in s: if c == "o": colors.append(Color.NULL) elif flip_xz: colors.append(Color.Z if c == "x" else Color.X) else: colors.append(Color(c)) return Color3D(*colors)
[docs] class CubeType(Enum): """Valid cube types in the library.""" ZXX = "zxx" XZX = "xzx" XXZ = "xxz" XZZ = "xzz" ZXZ = "zxz" ZZX = "zzx" # Virtual cube for open port VIRTUAL = "virtual" @property def is_spatial_junction(self) -> bool: return self in [CubeType.ZZX, CubeType.XXZ] def to_zx_node_type(self) -> NodeType: """Convert the cube type to a ZX node type.""" if self == CubeType.VIRTUAL: return NodeType.V elif self.value.count("z") == 2: return NodeType.Z return NodeType.X def get_color(self) -> Color3D: """Get the color of the block.""" return Color3D.from_string(self.value) @staticmethod def from_color(color: Color3D) -> CubeType: """Get the cube type from the color.""" if color.is_null: return CubeType.VIRTUAL if any(c.is_null for c in astuple(color)): raise TQECException("All the color must be defined for a non-virtual cube.") return CubeType("".join(c.value for c in astuple(color)).lower()) def normal_direction_to_corner_plane(self) -> Direction3D: """If the cube is at a corner, return the normal direction to the corner plane. Due to the color match rule at the corner turn, the corner plane can be inferred from the type of the cube. """ if self == CubeType.VIRTUAL: raise TQECException("Cannot infer the corner plane for a virtual cube.") if self.value.count("z") == 2: return Direction3D.from_axis_index(self.value.index("x")) return Direction3D.from_axis_index(self.value.index("z")) def infer_pipe_type_at_direction( self, direction: Direction3D, src_side_if_h_pipe: bool = True, has_hadamard: bool = False, ) -> PipeType: """Infer the pipe type connecting this cube at some direction with the color match rule.""" if self == CubeType.VIRTUAL: raise TQECException("Cannot infer the pipe type for a virtual cube.") color = self.get_color().pop_color_at_direction(direction) return PipeType.from_color_at_side(color, src_side_if_h_pipe, has_hadamard)
[docs] class PipeType(Enum): """Valid pipe types in the library.""" # pipes without H OZX = "ozx" OXZ = "oxz" XOZ = "xoz" ZOX = "zox" XZO = "xzo" ZXO = "zxo" # pipes with H OZXH = "ozxh" OXZH = "oxzh" ZOXH = "zoxh" XOZH = "xozh" ZXOH = "zxoh" XZOH = "xzoh" @property def has_hadamard(self) -> bool: """Check if the block type has a hadamard transition.""" return "h" in self.value @property def direction(self) -> Direction3D: """Return the direction of the pipe.""" return Direction3D.all()[self.value.index("o")] def get_color_at_side(self, src_side_if_h_pipe: bool = True) -> Color3D: """Get the color of the pipe at the given side.""" if not self.has_hadamard or src_side_if_h_pipe: return Color3D.from_string(self.value[:3]) return Color3D.from_string(self.value[:3], flip_xz=True) @staticmethod def from_color_at_side( color: Color3D, src_side_if_h_pipe: bool = True, has_hadamard: bool = False ) -> PipeType: """Get the pipe type from the color at one side.""" if not sum(c.is_null for c in astuple(color)) == 1: raise TQECException( "Exactly one color must be undefined for a pipe along the pipe direction." ) pipe_color = [] for c in astuple(color): if c.is_null: pipe_color.append("o") elif has_hadamard and not src_side_if_h_pipe: pipe_color.append("x" if c == Color.Z else "z") else: pipe_color.append(c.value) if has_hadamard: pipe_color.append("h") return PipeType("".join(pipe_color).lower()) def infer_cube_type_at_side( self, src_side_if_h_pipe: bool = True, is_z_cube: bool = True ) -> CubeType: """Infer the cube type at the side of the pipe.""" color = self.get_color_at_side(src_side_if_h_pipe).push_color_at_direction( self.direction, Color.Z if is_z_cube else Color.X ) return CubeType.from_color(color) def temporal_basis(self) -> ty.Literal["X", "Z"]: if self.direction == Direction3D.Z: raise TQECException("Cannot get the temporal basis on a temporal pipe.") # Because this is not a temporal pipe, we know for sure # that there is no "o" in the Z direction. Also, "h" can # not appear in the first 3 entries, so self.value[2] is # either "x" or "z". return ty.cast(ty.Literal["X", "Z"], self.value[2].upper())
BlockType = ty.Union[CubeType, PipeType] """Valid block types in the library."""
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Cube: """A block representing the computational unit in a 3D spacetime diagram.""" position: Position3D cube_type: CubeType @property def is_virtual(self) -> bool: """Check if the cube is virtual, i.e. an open port.""" return self.cube_type == CubeType.VIRTUAL
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Pipe: """A block connecting two cubes in a 3D spacetime diagram. The pipe represents the idle or merge/split lattice surgery operation on logical qubits depending on its direction. """ u: Cube v: Cube pipe_type: PipeType def __post_init__(self) -> None: if not self.u.position.is_neighbour(self.v.position): raise TQECException("A pipe must connect two nearby cubes.") # Ensure position of u is less than v u, v = self.u, self.v if self.u.position > self.v.position: object.__setattr__(self, "u", v) object.__setattr__(self, "v", u) @property def direction(self) -> Direction3D: """Get the direction of the pipe.""" return self.pipe_type.direction
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class AbstractObservable: """An abstract description of an observable in a 3D spacetime diagram. In a **closed** 3D spacetime diagram, the abstract observable can be derived from the corresponding correlation surface: 1. When the correlation surface attaches to the top/bottom faces of a block in the diagram, the measurements of the line of qubits on the top face are included in the observable. 2. When the correlation surface lies within XY plane and intersects a pipe, the stabilizer measurements at the start of the pipe and part of the stabilizer measurements within the cubes connected by the pipe are included in the observable. """ top_lines: frozenset[Cube | Pipe] bottom_regions: frozenset[Pipe]
_CUBE_DATA_KEY = "tqec_block_cube_data" _PIPE_DATA_KEY = "tqec_block_pipe_data"
[docs] class BlockGraph:
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: """An undirected graph representation of a 3D spacetime defect diagram with the block structures explicitly defined.""" self._name = name self._graph = nx.Graph()
@property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the graph.""" return self._name @property def num_cubes(self) -> int: """The number of cubes in the graph.""" return ty.cast(int, self._graph.number_of_nodes()) @property def num_pipes(self) -> int: """The number of pipes in the graph.""" return ty.cast(int, self._graph.number_of_edges()) @property def num_open_ports(self) -> int: """The number of open ports in the graph.""" return sum(cube.is_virtual for cube in self.cubes) @property def cubes(self) -> list[Cube]: """Return a list of cubes in the graph.""" return [data[_CUBE_DATA_KEY] for _, data in self._graph.nodes(data=True)] @property def pipes(self) -> list[Pipe]: """Return a list of pipes in the graph.""" return [data[_PIPE_DATA_KEY] for _, _, data in self._graph.edges(data=True)] def add_cube( self, position: Position3D, cube_type: CubeType, ) -> None: """Add a cube to the graph. Args: position: The 3D position of the node. cube_type: The type of the cube. """ if position in self._graph: raise TQECException(f"Cube at {position} already exists in the graph.") self._graph.add_node(position, **{_CUBE_DATA_KEY: Cube(position, cube_type)}) def add_pipe(self, u: Position3D, v: Position3D, pipe_type: PipeType) -> None: """Add a pipe to the graph. Args: u: The position of the first cube. v: The position of the second cube. pipe_type: The type of the pipe. """ if u not in self._graph or v not in self._graph: raise TQECException("Both cubes must exist in the graph.") u_node = self._graph.nodes[u][_CUBE_DATA_KEY] v_node = self._graph.nodes[v][_CUBE_DATA_KEY] self._graph.add_edge(u, v, **{_PIPE_DATA_KEY: Pipe(u_node, v_node, pipe_type)}) def get_cube(self, position: Position3D) -> Cube | None: """Get the cube by position.""" if position not in self._graph: return None return ty.cast(Cube, self._graph.nodes[position][_CUBE_DATA_KEY]) def get_pipe(self, u: Position3D, v: Position3D) -> Pipe | None: """Get the pipe by its endpoint cube positions.""" if not self._graph.has_edge(u, v): return None return ty.cast(Pipe, self._graph.edges[u, v][_PIPE_DATA_KEY]) def pipes_at(self, position: Position3D) -> list[Pipe]: """Get the pipes connected to a cube.""" return [ data[_PIPE_DATA_KEY] for _, _, data in self._graph.edges(position, data=True) ] def check_validity(self, allow_virtual_node: bool = True) -> None: """Check the validity of the block structures represented by the graph. Refer to the Fig.9 in arXiv:2404.18369. Currently, we only check the constraints d, f and g in the figure: 1. No 3D corner: all the pipes are within the same plane. 2. Match color at pass-through: the pipes and cube have the same color at the pass-through. 3. Match color at turn: the pipes and cube have the same color at the bent side of the turn. Args: allow_virtual_node: Whether to allow the virtual node in the graph. A virtual node is an open port of a pipe. It is not a physical cube but a placeholder for the pipe to connect to the boundary of the graph. Default is True. """ if not allow_virtual_node and any(cube.is_virtual for cube in self.cubes): raise TQECException("The graph contains a virtual node.") for cube in self.cubes: self._check_validity_locally_at_cube(cube) def _check_validity_locally_at_cube(self, cube: Cube) -> None: """Check the validity of the block structures locally at a cube.""" # Skip the virtual cube if cube.is_virtual: return pipes_by_direction: dict[Direction3D, list[Pipe]] = {} for pipe in self.pipes_at(cube.position): pipes_by_direction.setdefault(pipe.pipe_type.direction, []).append(pipe) pipe_directions = set(pipes_by_direction.keys()) # 1. No 3D corner if len(pipe_directions) == 3: raise TQECException(f"Cube at {cube.position} has a 3D corner.") # 2. Match color at pass-through cube_color = cube.cube_type.get_color() for direction, pipes in pipes_by_direction.items(): if not all( pipe.pipe_type.get_color_at_side(pipe.u == cube).match(cube_color) for pipe in pipes ): raise TQECException( f"Cube at {cube.position} has unmatched color at pass-through along {direction} direction." ) # 3. Match color at turn if len(pipe_directions) == 2: # since we have checked the pass-through match # we only have to check that the surrounding walls at the turn plane have the same color if cube.cube_type.normal_direction_to_corner_plane() in pipe_directions: raise TQECException( f"Cube at {cube.position} has unmatched color at turn." ) def __contains__(self, position: Position3D) -> bool: """Check if there is a cube at the position.""" return position in self._graph def to_zx_graph(self, name: str = "") -> ZXGraph: """Convert the block graph to a ZX graph.""" zx_graph = ZXGraph(name if name else + "_zx") for cube in self.cubes: zx_graph.add_node(cube.position, cube.cube_type.to_zx_node_type()) for pipe in self.pipes: zx_graph.add_edge( pipe.u.position, pipe.v.position, pipe.pipe_type.has_hadamard ) return zx_graph def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, BlockGraph): return False return ty.cast(bool, nx.utils.graphs_equal(self._graph, other._graph)) @staticmethod def from_zx_graph(zx_graph: ZXGraph, name: str = "") -> BlockGraph: """Construct a block graph from a ZX graph. The ZX graph includes the minimal information required to construct the block graph, but not guaranteed to admit a valid block structure. The block structure will be inferred from the ZX graph and validated. Args: zx_graph: The base ZX graph to construct the block graph. name: The name of the new block graph. Returns: The constructed block graph. """ block_graph = BlockGraph(name if name else + "_block") nodes_to_handle = set(zx_graph.nodes) edges_to_handle = set(zx_graph.edges) # Add the virtual nodes first for node in zx_graph.nodes: if node.is_virtual: block_graph.add_cube(node.position, CubeType.VIRTUAL) nodes_to_handle.remove(node) # Check 3D corner for node in nodes_to_handle: if len({e.direction for e in zx_graph.edges_at(node.position)}) == 3: raise TQECException(f"ZX graph has a 3D corner at {node.position}.") # The color of corner cubes can be inferred locally from the ZX graph # by querying which plane the corner is in and the color of the ZX node. corner_cubes: dict[Position3D, Cube] = {} for node in set(nodes_to_handle): edge_directions_at_node = { e.direction for e in zx_graph.edges_at(node.position) } if len(edge_directions_at_node) != 2: continue node_type = node.node_type normal_direction = ( set(Direction3D.all()).difference(edge_directions_at_node).pop() ) direction_index = Direction3D.all().index(normal_direction) normal_direction_color = "x" if node_type == NodeType.Z else "z" cube_type_str = str(node_type.value) * 3 cube_type_str = ( cube_type_str[:direction_index] + normal_direction_color + cube_type_str[direction_index + 1 :] ) cube_type = CubeType(cube_type_str) block_graph.add_cube(node.position, cube_type) nodes_to_handle.remove(node) corner_cubes[node.position] = Cube(node.position, cube_type) # Infer the block structure from the corner cubes # BFS traverse each connected component from a corner node in that component bfs_sources: list[Cube] = [] for component in nx.connected_components(zx_graph.nx_graph): # find one corner node in the component corner_cube_in_component = None for pos in component: if pos in corner_cubes: corner_cube_in_component = corner_cubes[pos] bfs_sources.append(corner_cube_in_component) break # No corner cube can be found, then choose the orientation # of a non-virtual node with minimum position in the component if corner_cube_in_component is None: sorted_positions: list[Position3D] = sorted(component) aligned_node = next( ty.cast(ZXNode, zx_graph.get_node(pos)) for pos in sorted_positions if not ty.cast(ZXNode, zx_graph.get_node(pos)).is_virtual ) node_pos, node_type = aligned_node.position, aligned_node.node_type edges_at_node = zx_graph.edges_at(node_pos) if not edges_at_node: aligned_node_type = ( CubeType.XZZ if node_type == NodeType.Z else CubeType.XZX ) else: edge_direction = edges_at_node[0].direction node_type_list = ["x", "z"] node_type_list.insert( edge_direction.axis_index, "x" if node_type == NodeType.X else "z", ) aligned_node_type = CubeType("".join(node_type_list)) block_graph.add_cube(aligned_node.position, aligned_node_type) nodes_to_handle.remove(aligned_node) bfs_sources.append(Cube(aligned_node.position, aligned_node_type)) for src_cube in bfs_sources: for p1, p2 in nx.bfs_edges(zx_graph.nx_graph, src_cube.position): edge = zx_graph.get_edge(p1, p2) assert ( edge is not None ), "Post-condition of `get_edge` broken, a supposedly existing edge returned None" if edge not in edges_to_handle: continue p1, p2 = sorted((p1, p2)) src = ty.cast(ZXNode, zx_graph.get_node(p1)) dst = ty.cast(ZXNode, zx_graph.get_node(p2)) can_infer_from_src = src not in nodes_to_handle and not src.is_virtual can_infer_from_dst = dst not in nodes_to_handle and not dst.is_virtual if not can_infer_from_src and not can_infer_from_dst: raise TQECException( f"Cannot infer the pipe structure from the ZX graph at edge {p1} -> {p2}." ) known_cube = ty.cast( Cube, block_graph.get_cube(p1 if can_infer_from_src else p2) ) pipe_type = known_cube.cube_type.infer_pipe_type_at_direction( edge.direction, can_infer_from_src, edge.has_hadamard ) if src in nodes_to_handle or dst in nodes_to_handle: other_node = dst if can_infer_from_src else src other_cube_type = pipe_type.infer_cube_type_at_side( not can_infer_from_src, other_node.node_type == NodeType.Z ) block_graph.add_cube(other_node.position, other_cube_type) nodes_to_handle.remove(other_node) block_graph.add_pipe(p1, p2, pipe_type) edges_to_handle.remove(edge) if nodes_to_handle: raise TQECException( f"The cube structure at positions {[n.position for n in nodes_to_handle]} cannot be resolved." ) if edges_to_handle: raise TQECException( f"The pipe structure at {[(e.u.position, e.v.position) for e in edges_to_handle]} cannot be resolved." ) block_graph.check_validity(allow_virtual_node=True) return block_graph def to_dae_file( self, filename: str | pathlib.Path, pipe_length: float = 2.0 ) -> None: """Export the block graph to a DAE file.""" from tqec.sketchup.collada import write_block_graph_to_dae_file write_block_graph_to_dae_file(self, filename, pipe_length) @staticmethod def from_dae_file(filename: str | pathlib.Path, graph_name: str = "") -> BlockGraph: """Construct a block graph from a DAE file.""" from tqec.sketchup.collada import read_block_graph_from_dae_file return read_block_graph_from_dae_file(filename, graph_name) def display( self, write_html_filepath: str | pathlib.Path | None = None, pipe_length: float = 2.0, ) -> ColladaDisplayHelper: """Display the block graph in 3D.""" from tqec.sketchup.collada import ( display_collada_model, write_block_graph_to_dae_file, ) bytes_buffer = BytesIO() write_block_graph_to_dae_file(self, bytes_buffer, pipe_length) return display_collada_model( filepath_or_bytes=bytes_buffer.getvalue(), write_html_filepath=write_html_filepath, ) def get_abstract_observables(self) -> list[AbstractObservable]: """Get all the abstract observables from the block graph.""" self.check_validity(allow_virtual_node=False) correlation_subgraphs = self.to_zx_graph().find_correlation_subgraphs() abstract_observables: list[AbstractObservable] = [] def is_measured(cube: Cube) -> bool: return self.get_pipe(cube.position, cube.position.shift_by(0, 0, 1)) is None for g in correlation_subgraphs: if g.num_nodes == 1: cube = self.get_cube(g.nodes[0].position) assert ( cube is not None ), f"{g.nodes[0]} is in the graph and should be associated with a Cube instance." abstract_observables.append( AbstractObservable(frozenset({cube}), frozenset()) ) continue top_lines: set[Cube | Pipe] = set() bottom_regions: set[Pipe] = set() for edge in g.edges: pipe = self.get_pipe(edge.u.position, edge.v.position) assert ( pipe is not None ), f"{edge} is in the graph and should be associated with a Pipe instance." u, v = pipe.u, pipe.v if pipe.direction == Direction3D.Z: if is_measured(v): top_lines.add(v) continue correlation_type_at_src = edge.u.node_type.value # The direction for which the correlation surface of that type # can be attached to the pipe correlation_type_direction = Direction3D.from_axis_index( pipe.pipe_type.value.index(correlation_type_at_src) ) if correlation_type_direction == Direction3D.Z: top_lines.add(pipe) if is_measured(u): top_lines.add(u) if is_measured(v): top_lines.add(v) else: bottom_regions.add(pipe) abstract_observables.append( AbstractObservable(frozenset(top_lines), frozenset(bottom_regions)) ) return abstract_observables def with_zero_min_z(self) -> BlockGraph: """Shift the whole graph in the z direction to make the minimum z zero.""" minz = min(cube.position.z for cube in self.cubes) if minz == 0: return deepcopy(self) new_graph = BlockGraph( for cube in self.cubes: new_graph.add_cube(cube.position.shift_by(dz=-minz), cube.cube_type) for pipe in self.pipes: new_graph.add_pipe( pipe.u.position.shift_by(dz=-minz), pipe.v.position.shift_by(dz=-minz), pipe.pipe_type, ) return new_graph